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Sunday, January 3, 2010

the next big thing: the toy market

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The San Miguel Toy Market plays out like a cross between a carnival side show and the huge flea market called Tianguis or for us gringos, the Tuesday Market.

According to an article in Atencion several years ago, in Mexico and other Latin American countries, Three Kings Day, (January 6) more so than Christmas, is an occasion to give gifts, especially toys for children, commemorating the gifts the magi gave to Jesus. Parents usually shop for these gifts at local stores and an all-night market held on January 5 .

On any other day, the street is a group of work-a-day Mexican shops. Again in the magical way things happen here, on this day and night, a village of hundreds of vendors springs up only to disappear by dawn. The effect of it is surreal causing one to wonder if it really happened or of it was some kind of sleepwalking adventure. That's why I'm going back.

The Toy Market will be here on Tuesday so stay tuned for this year’s edition.