Then the couple who were acting as my "mentors," opened a large scarf and placed three dolls inside. With lit candles in one hand, they began gently swinging the "cradle" and everyone joined in singing a lullaby, El Rorro, sung to the tune of Rock A-bye Baby..
After that, the babies were placed on a lacy tray filled with candies. As the tray was presented to each person, he or she kissed the babies on the head and then took candies from the tray.
Finally the babies were laid flat in the manger scene. They will stay in that position until January 6. On that day, they will be raised to an upright position to receive gifts from the Three Kings.
After a shared supper of pozole, tacos, ponche and sweets,I left to return home. However,my mentors stopped me and invited me to come with them to yet another fiesta,this time at Rosa's mother's ranch in Valle de Maize. More food, more family, more fun...but not more photos. Battery went dead. What an opportunity. I sulked for a few minutes, but then realized how fulfilled I was with what I had already seen and learned this week. I will make an album for my new found neighbors and plan to photograph more holidays throughout the year.
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