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Friday, December 25, 2009

nochebuena/ christmas eve

To Give is To Receive

Whew! What a day December 24 has been. First on the agenda was a huge effort by So Others May Eat, Mexico to feed hundreds of elderly people. The food and help were overflowing. It was heartwarming  to see so many ancianos (elderly) whom I pass on sidewalks everyday gathered together. They left with bags of food and other treats. My beautiful friend Bea Aaronson was one of the team of helpers. The above image captures the feeling of so many between those helping and being helped.

Agnes Olive, a True Joy to the World

Next stop. Another group of friends were carolling around the jardin and I captured that joyous moment. (A small aside, Agnes is my landlady.) Then it was off to the last posada in my colonia. That turned out to be the best gift of the day. Stay tuned for more about that later...

Right now it's Christmas Day and I'm off to Christmas lunch and then dinner with friends. San Miguel is a busy place. It's hard to stay thin here. (Excuse)